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Inside The Bibbly Stokeholm (Raymond Duggan Homeless Shelter) Housing 500 Homeless People

Bibby Stockholm, an engineless barge, is an accommodation vessel owned by the shipping and marine operations company Bibby Line

Inside The 222 Room Raymond Duggan Homeless Shelter , with Free Mess, 

Including All Food and Soft Drinks, 

Free Wifi and Cyber Room, 

Free TV Room, 

Free Soft Drink Only Bar with Tv, 

All Rooms With Bunk Beds and Shower Room, 

All Rooms, Will Have Dressing Gown and Slippers. 

On Board Medical Facilities, 

A Brink and Security, 

Security Will Be To Airport and Port Of Entry Standard, Including Body Scanners, For Concelled Drugs

Welcome To The Life We Are Forced To Live Today.

All People Will Be Searched Going On Board For Drink and Drugs. 

Full Staff/Security. 

Anyone Found To Be Drunk or Under Drugs On Return to The Shelter, Will Be Refused Entrance, 

Anyone Found Drunk or Under Drugs , Will Be Removed From The Shelter and Barred For Life,

Bookmark and Visit Daily For Updates.

Time To End Homeless and Unemployed

Everyone On Board Will Be Expected To Work 8 Hours Per Day 

Raising Money For The Costs, 

Plus Talk To Local Supermarkets, For Free Food Donations

Like The Food Waste Heros, Food That Expires Midnight

Our Chefs Will Collect At 23.30 Daily , Then Cook On Return.

The Shelter Will Have Full Fresh Food Collection

After Each Meal Service , The Staff Will Take Any Food Left Home, and Fresh Food Will Be Cooked Each Meal Time.

Regular Drug and Alcohol Test Will Be Done Daily, On Entry To The Shelter, 

Even i As Founder and Owner Will Be Searched and Blood Tested On Arrival, 

These Will End Up World Wide, and Can Be Placed Land Or Water.

We Will Also Use Solar Power.

All Staff Will Be Fully Health and Safety Trained, Including First Aid and Fire Training. and Not Basic Training, They Will Be Trained To Para Medic Level One, Not First Aid At Work. 

Some Members Of Staff Will Be Ex Armed Forces, so Will Have Fire Arms and NBC Training.
