Get Inspiration For Your Next Trip

Chicken + Vegetable Stew In Pressure Cooker 40 Minutes On Stew

 4 Chicken Fillets ( 1 Kilo £3.99, Farmfoods)

Oxo Cube ( 160 Mls Boiling Water)

10 New Potatoes (37p)

250 g Casserole Veg, ( 1 Kilo Asda or Tesco £1.00) 550g £1.00 Farm Foods)

Cook 40 Minutes Pressure Cooker.

Book Mark+ Come Back 40 Minutes For Service.

4 Slices Brown Bread WarBurtons
£0.40 End Of Day Sale.

If I Can Produce Meals Like This With No Income
Anyone Can.

I Have Had No Income 6 Months.

I Do Not Meet The Requirements For Sick Pay or Universal Credit.

So I Am Reduced To Setting Up A Food Bank, Data Bank and Heat Bank
so helping other people with no income.

You Can Help Me, Not By Sending Money, Use That To Feed Your Kids and Heat Your Homes.

You Can Help By Sharing This Public and Visiting Daily.

Sign On Your Favorite Supermarket and Send A Family a £40.00 Food Parcel.
Making Sure No Scams and Food Is Fresh.