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Questions For DWP. Must Open, This Is Serious Abuse. 19 Years Of Hell.

Questions For DWP.

  1. Why In 40 Years , Have They Failed To Help Businesses Grow?

  2. Why Do They Keep Sending Emergency Services To My House, Expecting To Recover A Body?

  3. Why In 20 Years Have The Failed To Find Me Work or Help Me Grow My Business.

  4. Why Have 2.47 Million People Been Sanctioned In March 2022, Taking Minimum £209 Million Out Of The British Economy Weekly?

  5. Why Are The Sick, Old and Vulnerable Being Targeted By JobCentre Plus Staff.?

  6. Why Do Job Centre Staff Refuse To Carry Out Dwp and Government Orders?

  7. Why Do Job Centre Manger’s Think Their God?

  8. Why Does The DWP Want To See Britain In Poverty and The Poorest Country In The World?

  9. Why Is The House Of Lords Asking For Tax Increases On The Rich, So Vulnerable People Get Paid.?

  10. Why Are The DWP Not Being Prosecuted For Murder?

  11. Why Are Judges Being Paid Off?

  12. Why Is DWP Allowing The Rich To Use Online Forums, To Teach The Rich How To Scam The System? Meaning Allowing The Rich To Claim Fake Medical Benefits.

  13. Why Has The DWP Not Been Fit For Purpose In 75 Years?

  14. As A Company Manager and Owner, Not Once Have I Employed A Member Of New Staff, From A Job Centre Anywhere In The Country.

  15. I Am Now Refusing Medical Help , Because Of The Abuse and Bullying From Job Centre Plus Staff.

no point NHS saving my life, when the DWP and Jobcentre Plus, Want Me Dead The Street and Out My House.
I am a 57 year old single male with no friends or family, and now being left with no where to turn, I believe people are being threatened who try to help me.

Comment Below Guys Your Thoughts. While I Am Left To Die In Poverty With No Income.

(meaning no way to pay gas, electricity, food or rent, yes i have food for now) only cause i managed to get a credit card, with a very low credit limit. Ofcourse, this still has to be paid off.

JobCentre Plus Are Finding Any Illegal Reason Not To Pay Me, Forcing Me Now To Beg Online and Set Up A Fund To Help The 5 Million Families In Uk Needing Help.

Guy’s The UK Is Not The Land Of Dreams You Think.

18000 Companies In the UK Have Closed This Year So Far, I Being One. How Many More Are Going To Be Forced To Close? The Shopping Centre I Live Above Is Getting More and More Empty Units Daily.

6 Years I Have Been Fighting The DWP< I Can No Longer Fight Them.

Until Covid Hit, ITN Where Going To Do A Documetry On Me, You Have Not Even Heard 1/4 Of The Hell I

Am Living. 19 Years and I Still Break Down In Tears, Thinking of 2003.

Yes I Entered Hell In 2003. Never Recovered. I Am Now Left With No Where To Turn, Abandoned and Alone.